I have...

WWE 2K23 LATAM Locked

I got the Humble Choice but WWE 2K23 is locked to LATAM (Mexico and South America), I don't want it, and since none of my friends can redeem it i want to trade it.

So if you, for some reason, want this game, and have any cheap games to offer for it, I'd be happy to work out a deal. Even cheap bundle keys are fine, I'm not looking to make a profit here, I just don't want this key to go to waste.

Please reply if interested.

5 months ago

How about Doom 64 for it?

Edit: I also have the stuff in this post, if you want to make the trade a bit more extensive: https://www.steamtrades.com/trade/IE9dm/h-darksiders-franchise-pre-2015-more-w-back-4-blood-latam-game-offers

5 months ago*

I added you. I'm also interested in these games
Wurm Unlimited
Monster Loves You!
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Rocket Riot

5 months ago*

I have some latam keys ... Can give you any for it...

5 months ago

I don't see any trade list posted on this site, where is it?

5 months ago

Hey, something here for it?

5 months ago

Closed 5 months ago.