I have a s#!tload of DOTA 2 copies... I don't know if one can trade them but I assume one can't... So I won't trade them, I'll just give them away for the few unlucky bastards who don't have a copy yet. You don't have to give me nothing. No strings attached! Just add me to steam and ask for the copy and I'll give it to you! I also have a copy of Airmech 2 but since it's freeware I don't know what good is it for... If you have any clue of what it's for, please let me know...

That being said, donations (in the form of games of course) are appreciated but in no way mandatory. If you feel like giving me something in exchange it's up to you... Although a copy of Hotline Miami would be sweet... ^_^

Also, if you want a copy post it here so I can track more easily how many copies I've given away...

EDIT: I would also like to add that I won't request any positive reviews as it would make this look like a stupid attempt to give me some cheap positive rep. I just want to get rid of all these titles clogging my inventory...

EDIT2: Since I've only got 3 extra keys these will only be give to people who actually do NOT have DOTA2 in their inventory... I'm sure everyone will understand... =)

EDIT3: If you don't request the game via steam (add+open chat+ask for a copy) I probably won't remember to give it to you).


All copies were given away! Hurray for DOTA 2! :D

1 decade ago*

I ll be glad to take one off your hands :D

1 decade ago

Sure, just add me on steam! =)

1 decade ago

Thank you, and thanks for the chat

1 decade ago

I'll take one :D

1 decade ago

Sure... Just add me on steam.. =)

1 decade ago

plz can i has one or more

1 decade ago

add me i want 3 more my friends

1 decade ago

I'm sorry, but the point of this is to give some copies to people who don't have any... It's absurdly easy to have +10 copies of this... At least in my case I just had to wait for them... I'll give you one. I think it's fair. Ok? Just add me to steam..

1 decade ago

i want 1 for a friend

1 decade ago

Just add me to steam and I'll give you a copy... =)

1 decade ago

Give me Dota 2 please

1 decade ago

Just add me to steam... =)

1 decade ago

If there are any left, I'd love one...will add you right now.

1 decade ago

Sure! just add me... =)

1 decade ago

hello i want a dota key,,,,,thanks rep+

1 decade ago

Do you have DOTA left?

1 decade ago

Sure, just add me on Steam! =)

1 decade ago

1 for me bro :)

1 decade ago

and letme tell u what u should do with ur dota a good advice it can b easily traded with coupons :) so trade ur dota 2 with coupons and then u can atleast have some advantage ................

1 decade ago

Just add me on steam! I admit I don't fully understand how DOTA (or why would it) works as coin... Never the less I already got so many games... This is a chance to help out people who don't have as many. It's like starting the year with a good deed... ^_^

1 decade ago

1 for me pls If you have :D

1 decade ago

Just add me on steam... And after I accept you just open a chat otherwise I might just forget about it...

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.