I have Dirt 3, JC2, Prey, alien vs Predator, Renegade Ops (all digital keys) and Dragon Knight Saga, star wars unleashed (gifts)? add me if interested:
Deus Ex: Human Rev.
Dead Island
Medal of Honor
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Call of Duty: Modern warfare 2
Just Cause 2
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
Trainz™ Simulator 12
Lara Croft & guardian of light
Dungeon Siege III
Aliens & Predator
All my 40 COUPONS and OddBoxx , Sega Classics: Streets of Rage 2 and Day of Defeat: Source
understandable, the audience is pretty small. How would you feel about Batman:AC instead?
Edit: i should mention it is a key i got from the geforce promo. i wouldnt understand if you either cant trust me enough or had planned on trading it.
I don't think that's worth skyrim and besides, I have most of those games anyway. Thanks for the offer though
My inventory:
I also have 70 coals.
Anything for Skyrim ?
Saints Row: The Third for Skyrim ?
Assassins Creed: Revelations + Napoleon; Total War + Orange Box + Trainz Simulator 2012 for skyrim?
SpaceChem + Dungeons of Dredmor + Osmos + Revenge of the Titans + Sequence + Chantelise - A Tale of Two Sisters + Torchlight + The Wonderful End of the World + Supreme Commander 2. all it for napoleon.
Also have:
Orange Box
Trainz Simulator 12
RUSE (pending trade)
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
Velvet Assassin
Majesty Gold Edition
Greed Corp
-50% Civ5 GOTY Coupon
-50% Darwinia
-25% id Software
**Games I'd like to have:
--NOT taking coal/ coupons / bundles / keys--
Please post your profile link too.