Game of Thrones - 2 keys!
Doom 3 BFG - 4 keys
Fallout 3 GOTY - 4 keys

Papo & Yo - 2 keys

Tower Wars - 1 key

Tomb Rider (classics 1 to 6) - 1 key for each, 5 keys for the whole pack

Delta Force Platinum Pack - 2 keys

Onimusha 3 - 3 keys

Postal 1 - 1 key

Bioshock 1 - 1 key (ru/cis)

prices are firm! please add me for trade/discuss, i`m not often here

1 decade ago*

I can offer you some trading cards for game of thrones because since it's in humble bundle it's worth almost nothing.

1 decade ago

well, go buy humble bundle then, my copy is tradeable

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.