Link to Steamrep Page Report

Link to Steamtrades Account

Info from Steam Rep

| steamname: Drummerdude1099

| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:51980445

| steamID64:

| customURL:

| steamrep:

Link to his profile

As always please report scammer to steam, give negative reps and bumps!

Thanks Steamtrades Community

1 decade ago*

Wish I saw this sooner, he had only positive rep on his steamtrades profile and steam profile when I was dealing with him. Drummerdude1099 is a scammer, stay away.

1 decade ago

yea if you could also screenshot your chat and post on the report, it will only lead the file

1 decade ago

I closed it already, but I copied and pasted it on his feedback (not sure if that will stand as credible evidence anymore). Lesson learned for me and luckily only about $0.70 out of pocket (3 steam getaway card).

1 decade ago

I think someone hijacked me... How can I fix all this?

1 decade ago

Drummerdude1099 approached me today and explained what happened. He stated that a while back his friend acquired his login details. After a recent argument, this "friend" decided to hijack his account and start scamming people to ruin Drummerdude1099's reputation.

Drummerdude1099 has since changed his password so that his "friend" cannot do this again. As a gesture of his sincerity, he returned the 3 cards that I lost from the previous transaction.

It looks to me like Drummerdude1099 is indeed telling the truth and should be given a chance to explain what happened. I will be changing his feedback from negative to positive following these events.

1 decade ago

Unfortunately, I will not be changing my opinion until I get my cards back as well, which he has not offered up. Also, if it was his "friend" that jacked his account, would it not make sense that his "friend" would trade it to his own account? Find it hard to believe that it was stuck in his account for all of yesterday

1 decade ago

Which card is it? I would love to do my best to try to return it. If you don't want to believe, then thats your choice, but at least let me find the card he took and give it to you. Thanks for your time. Btw I have been trying to contact you all morning, but either my requests aren't going through or you won't friend me.

1 decade ago

Damn, I went to edit what I wrote but I think I clicked "delete" facepalm.

But yeah, what I said was the cards were not stuck on his account this whole time, whoever was on his account crafted the badge as soon as they got my cards. So today he actually gave me 3 different ones.

I totally get you when you say you won't change your position until he returns what is yours. I trust he'll offer something similar for you as well.

1 decade ago

that guy add me yesterday, i said hi and he just disconnect ??? xD
fast block.

1 decade ago

Even if you know my steam user and password, you can't login without my email and email password. If his "friend" knew his email also, that's his fault 100%.

1 decade ago

You're right, I'm not saying it wasn't his fault. It was, he made a mistake and was too trusting of his "friend". (Or maybe he logged on his "friend"'s computer before and "friend" didn't need to go through steam guard this time - not trying to make excuses for the guy, but based on the evidence, I can not say with 100% certainty that he wasn't telling the truth.)

But he is making amends. There will be an asterisk to his trade profile now so others will be more cautious.

1 decade ago

If he is trying to repair the things he did wrong, it's perfect, but i would like to know (before a trade) if that account scammed someone in the past. That's all.

1 decade ago

Yes, I changed his feedback from negative to postive but I still made a note of what happened on the feedback comments.

1 decade ago

That's exactly what i meant, tell others to be careful. Good day.

1 decade ago

Please, ZhengMaster, please allow me to fix this. Just accept my invite so we can discuss. Go read my feedback updates, and you will see that I am serious.

1 decade ago

talked to him and looked at his account. he had redeemed the cards on his account. his claim that his "friend" had hijacked his account due to anger is negated by the fact that the badge is on his drummerdude1099. It would be illogical for his "friend" to redeem the cards on drummerdude1099. Rather the "friend" would redeem it on his own account since it benefit his own account as well as get back at drummerdude1099. Thus, my conclusions is that once he got his summer sale badge, he's trying to undo the damage and offer up extra cards that he doesn't need anymore to "repent". I don't care much for cards (< $1) but about the principle of the action. the cards are worthless to me but I do not want him to jack anyone else's items on steamtrades.

1 decade ago

My friend redeemed the badge on my account because his goal was to ruin my reputation. He, in fact, does not even have a steam account. Hence why I gave him my login a bit ago. Obviously his plan worked and now my rep has gone to and I guess I'm responsible for it. I just have to sit and think... If only none of this would have happened, I wouldn't have had to spend so much time (nearly all day) to fix it. Please, though I know you will never trust/believe me, allow me to return what you lost, so that I don't feel like for causing all this trouble. Thank you, and sorry it has come to this. As you very well know. reputation is a delicate, important thing, and I don't believe anyone would wreck it for a mere badge. To be honest I don't give two $***s about the badge.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.