I have...
I want...
  • Offers in cards
7 years ago*

Hi, how are you?

Do you like Mythic Wonders: The Philosopher's Stone x Chivalry: Medieval Warfare ?

7 years ago

Mh, sry, that's a bit much tbh, want any other game?

7 years ago

Dont worry, i understand. What about cards? 50 cents of cards (aprox 7 cards of 7 cents or 5 cards of 10 cents, etc)

7 years ago

You have all my other games then I guess? I don't really want your game badly, it just looked nice and I'm heavily thinking about if it's worth the cards to me or not. I'd like much more to give you one of my spare games before they go bad :)

7 years ago

I bought that game by mistake (cause i already have it and i forgot that) . The game cost me around that (50 cents). About your games, i have almost the 80 % of your list (most of them they´re freebies from indiegala o gleam.io, like The Next Door, Weapon Genius, Iesabel, Endorlight, etc). The pro´s about the game is the cards. If you give me (example) 5 cards of 10 cents (50 cents with fees), you can get the game who drops 3 cards of 9 cents (27 cents). Like i said, only if you want. If you not, dont worry, its ok ^^

7 years ago

meh fine, if you want so xD (add me then, but lemme idle a bit before we trade)

7 years ago

Like i said, dont worry if you do not want. Its on you. I have no problem if you dont want to give cards. Perhaps, the only game of your list that i want is one of Sakura´s games (Angels, Beachs or Spirit) but only for idle it and have cards and add one more game to my library cause i dont like much anime´s games.

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.