TF2 key price: $1.90 ea

Available for sale: 30


Total sold: 222

Successful trades: 25

Failed trades: 0


Hey there. This is my trade and I'll be changing it whenever I have available keys.
Bookmark and check constantly to be the first one to know when it's open :)



  1. You have to send money as "to family or friends" and/or cover any fees.

  2. If you provide me good reputation, I'll go first, if not, then you will go first.

  3. I will not trade with suspicious or dirty reputation "SteamRep" people.




I'm a trusted, polite and fair trader, so you don't have to worry about getting scammed.

My timezone is GMT +2 and I'm online about 9 hours a day - 15:00 -> 00:00 // 3 PM -> 12 AM

If you're interested in buying some keys, please add me or write a comment and we'll sort the rest out in private.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day :)



[Original trade -](TF2 Outpost)


My other threads:
★ [H] 4 New and Cool Unusuals [W] Pure and/or Money // Offers (! 10% OFF PRICE !) ★
★ [WTS] Trading Card Sets at Steam's Market Price ★

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.