just make a fair offer.. if you have something i want Il-2 Surmivok 1946, dangerous waters , silent hunter III i will consider your offers seriouly so as long as there are no keys involved .. Dont take keys or tf 2 stuff..
dont want ship, borderlands, lfd1 or 2 as well as any humble bumble, dawn etc..

IF you do have something im interested, which is bigger than the list i gave, well depending on what it is, consider it a trade..

BTW no im ARMA II etc are not the ganes im looking for for what i will provide,lol.. im down 2 earth and dont need to profit.. just need a game i want..

will wallet purchase and trade using window only. No keys

1 decade ago*

Dungeon Defenders DLC, Time Gentlemen Please + Ben There Dan That - Special Double Pack

1 decade ago

dlc would be handy, but no dungeon defender,lol.. played it ps3 when it 1st relesed.. i feel that it was better fit for my 3d tv and ps3 due to the game being sold w/ 3d... Hentleman is telltale? i will look into.. not my kind of game but still will check it out because i do not have the special pack info im front of me..

1 decade ago

i accepted your request then i was un=friended.. maybe you got what you needed between the time u equested me and now.. thnx

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.