I have OMD 2 Complete Pack and want BOTH FTL and Mark of the Ninja, not one or the other.

1 decade ago*

Mark of the Ninja is worth more, FTL is about the right price for what you're asking.

But I own all three so I'm just commenting. Good luck! They're all fantastic games.

1 decade ago

Why is MotN worth more? OMD2 Complete costs €22, while MotN costs €15. And FTL costs €5 right now!

I'm just interested why you think so.

1 decade ago

Not everyone values games based on the current Steam store price. You will probably find that many people base value on a mix of sale price and regional prices.

  • OMD2 Complete was around $5 if you bought it in a pack during the sale. It was slightly cheaper in Eastern Europe (~$4 in pack;$4.50 by itself)

  • FTL has been around $5 during the recent sales. $4.10 in Eastern Europe.

  • Hotline: Miami has been $5. $4.10 in Eastern Europe.

  • Mark of the Ninja's lowest price point so far has been $7.50. It was slightly cheaper in Eastern Europe (~$6.50).

If you go by these numbers, OMD2 complete is a good 1:1 trade for FTL or Hotline:Miami. That's why I was a little surprised in your other thread that you wanted both. Anyway, good luck with your trade and consider this a free bump.

1 decade ago

Thanks for the bump.

Sleeping Dogs was about €4 because of the pricing error, but I don't think that anyone would trade Sleeping Dogs for, lets say, FTL. The Ship was also given away for free, but I don't think that anyone would give it to someone for free. I don't think that you should value games by their sale price, especially if they're currently not on sale.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.