I have...

Battleblock Theater/Castle Crashers Steam Gift Bundle

I want...

Heroes of the Storm NA Beta Key

So I've been scouring the web looking for a HoTS Beta Access Key (North American) and have had no luck thus far.
I have had this bundle sitting in my inventory for a while (was going to gift to a friend, but he already had it) so I was curious if anyone here had an interest in trading a key for it.
I can also manage one or two things off the steam marketplace, if need be, instead of the bundle. That can be worked out.

I'm only doing this basically because my best friend got beta access a few days ago and really wants to test the game out with me (i've done betas in the past with him) so I've been on the hunt for a key ever since then (participating in giveaways/sweepstakes/streamer giveaways... the works).

I am a trustworthy trader and can be contacted here or through steam directly: AstromX

Thanks for your time, I really do appreciate it.

  • A
9 years ago

I can also gift some humble bundle stuff (current deals) if interested.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.