I have...

TF2 keys

I want...

PS wallet for North America

Don't add me to "discuss", leave your price below, and I'll add you if I find the offer fair and acceptable.

I'm looking to get PSN wallet codes for a North American PSN account from G2A or wherever else you can get them. Don't add me on steam before leaving your price here first, please. I don't really log into steam these days, but I'll be checking this thread daily.

I will not go first with the trade unless you have high reputation here on steamtrades.

5 months ago*

I have G2A balance that I am looking to unload at 82% of G2A price in USD, with TF2 keys valued at $1.60 USD per key. I would round all prices up to the nearest half key.

A $50 PSN gift card that is region locked specifically to the US is going for $48.50 USD at its lowest price. I would buy for ($48.50 * 82% / $1.60) = 24.85 keys, round up to 25 TF2 keys.

I can't make any guarantees that the key I get from whichever seller you choose will work, but I can help with any appeal in the off chance that you need it.

5 months ago

Could you do $1.7 per key? If not, I'll get back to you on this because I am waiting for another trader to see how much they are charging.

I'd be more interested in the $75 gift card btw, if you have enough G2A cash for that one, because those cards seem to be the best value currently on there.

5 months ago

Yes, I have enough for a $75 gift card. I can't really budge much on the TF2 key price, sorry. ($72.75 lowest G2A price * 82% / $1.60) = 37.28 keys, I guess I can round down to 37 keys instead of round up to 37.5 but that's the best I'd be willing to do.

5 months ago

Yeah alright, let's do it. Adding you on steam now.

5 months ago

Can you sell me another code maybe? I have 7 tf2 keys and 6 ToD tickets left. Tried messaging you on steam but you're not showing up online.

4 months ago

Closed 3 months ago.