I have...

50% off Dawn of War III coupon

I want...

Pretty much whatever you offer
A single card? Cool
Previously free game? You got it
Literally nothing at all? No problem

The coupon is Valid until 9/1/2017, 1:00:00 AM

This just randomly appeared in my inventory and I thought it was great, but I'm still not gonna pay 30$ on Dawn of War III. I was gonna give it away but the steam groups for doing so have stupid convoluted rules and I was afraid it wouldn't get enough publicity in the steamgifts thread so here we are... Anyone who wants this is welcome to it. Just say so. If you want to offer me something in exchange, that's pretty cool of you. But if not, I won't hold it against you. Coupons aren't really the kind of thing you sell.

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.