I have...

Legend of Grimrock 2

This is a GIFT copy and not a steam key.

I want...

2.5 keys (either TF2 or CSGO) or I will consider decent swaps around the value of 2.5 keys.

8 years ago*

I used compare2steam and there's nothing I want. Sorry.

8 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. For some reason I am not getting any notifications of replies.
Would you swap for Kenshi, Tallowmere and Battle Academy?

8 years ago

Those are on my WANT list XD

8 years ago

Oops lol Sorry.

8 years ago

Hi. I have had a look at your list and although there's quite a few I don't have I would only be interested in Stray Cat Crossing. Is there something from Here you might like for that one?

8 years ago

ı want Legend of Grimrock 2

my list: steamtrades.com/trade/sKhPG/h-steam-gamesgiftkey-w-tf2-csgo-key-tod-ref-gem-trade-card-offers-steam-games-paypal

8 years ago

Sorry there's nothing on your list I really want.

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.