I have...

Alien: Isolation

I want...

4 keys CSGO/TF2

...or corresponding CSGO items...

[H] Alien: Isolation [W] 4 keys CSGO/TF2/items

8 years ago*

Hi, i want to trade Alien: Isolation For 3 Cs:Go Case Keys if u accept my offer please add my trade account (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Rolent4/)

8 years ago

Well, I won't give it to you for 3 keys either - like all the others won't.
But you could maybe get the Styx: Master of Shadows game for these keys.
Willing to trade for that game.

8 years ago

thx collected around 20 games from this price thx to humble sale 5€

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.