I have...

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition;
Iron Power;
Amnesia Collection;
The Ship - Murder Party;

I want...

Want Games

Just make a proposal! =)

5 years ago*

It is a key. I'll look into your list. Be right back.

5 years ago

I'm interested in Titan Souls. Wanna trade?
I go first (better to add on steam, right?).

5 years ago

Are you there, mate? waiting for your reply.

5 years ago

Mh, are you interested in something else but Titan Souls as well? I'm not sure if I wanna trade that away for Minecraft. (Also how much less content is there actually in the Windows Edition? I read it's way worse than the Java one? :o )

5 years ago

Way worse? LOL. Definitely not. Java is trash and lags a lot more because it was terribly implemented. But the preference is up to the consumer. For example, if you like playing with a joystick, you will only be able to optimally do so in the Windows 10 version. If it here was a retail store I would say you should buy the java, because it's way cheaper than the Windows 10 version. But if you are acquiring it by trading, then I think you can get a way better deal. Especially if you enjoy the possibility of crossplaying your very game in multiple platforms.
Also if you don't have an amazing PC to play a heavily modded version, the Windows 10 Edition has been optimised to run on just about anything.
Edit: there is aslo the fact that Windows 10 Edition uses an Xbox LIVE account to play online, which means it comes with all the benefits associated, including the ability to customise privacy settings. Which was a must for me.

5 years ago*

I accepted your add. You may have to explain me though how the activation works exactly. :D

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.