I have...

I know you probably dont have a girlfriend if you are reading this post, but I will still give it a shot :PP! JK!

Blizzard has just released a very nice looking fox mount, so if you wanted to get something nice for your girlfriend for Xmass, then this is your chance!! The mount is called Vulpine Familiar -http://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/blog_thumbnail/nx/NXPLYCRS22C41544721424456.jpg

It looks freekin amazing, and it flies aswell!! :D

Official price on the blizzard store is 25 euro, so I am willing to sell it for 17,5 euro, which is 70%!
This works only for EU region, which includes European Union, Eastern Europe, Russia, Africa, and the Middle East.

You get the keycode on your e-mail and redeem it in account management.

I can go first if you prove to be trustworthy.

I want...

17.5e paypal

5 years ago*

Will this somehow help me get a girlfriend? Please, help, I'm desperate.

5 years ago

Its worth a shot!

5 years ago

I'm afraid, what if it turns out that I get a guy instead of a girl? I don't want that. >:c

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.