We agreed on $15 for borderlands 2 season pass. After i send the money he said he wanted $5 more. So, i sent the money via paypal.
5 mins later he said he saw the transaction went through and went to buy the key. 5 minutes later he said he doesn't want the trade anymore and requested to refund the money back to me. i gave him his email and want him to pay the fees. he said ok and waited. After that he called me a scammer for backing out the refunding me my money from his paypal account and deleted me soon after.

Here's the chatlog

Last one is to prove that the transaction went through smoothly and should appear on his account.

1 decade ago*

This scammer is obviously lying.

You can't reverse a personal payment or gift. Even if you picked online purchase, the money won't get revoked immediately.

1 decade ago

"You can't reverse a personal payment or gift"

Are you sure? Many people say it's possible in both cases.

1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.