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TF2 Keys

1 year ago*

Sounds good added on steam to discuss further

1 year ago

Oki, make sure to read everything in advance.

Steam Profile (main) — https://steamcommunity.com/id/nolddor/ | Jack Nolddor

1 year ago

Pretty sure Pure is being sold for £15 hmm.....

1 year ago

Thanks for the Info, did not know this...... GG.Deals does not show this. But thank you for your concern. Explains your poor offers on Barter for pure and poker night games 👍

1 year ago*

Here's the site- I'm glad you know now. https://www.game.co.uk/en/pure-891562

1 year ago

Thanks lol but everybody is not from U.K. if u are from U.K. then u r very much welcome to go and buy that for yourself. I know this site blocks most users payment to those who are using vpn to access it. But again that's why offers is next to my listing for them.

1 year ago

Closed 1 year ago.