Need specific cards to complete collection:

HL2 cards: G-Man, Gordon Freeman, Gordon & Alyx, Bring the fight to them, Trouble Underground
Portal 2 cards: Finale, GlaDOS, Intro, Mannequin, Underground

Spare cards I have are Portal 2 Destruction and HL2 Alyx Vance

Otherwise, 3 different cards of any other game for a $1 Bundle.

Current bundles include:
Bemine 8 - $1 bundle for 3 cards, $5 bundle for 10 cards.
Telltale Humble Bundle weekly - $1 for 3 cards.
Retro Game Music Bundle - $1 bundle for 3 cards, $10 bundle for 15 cards.
Zombies vs Aliens - 1 bundle for 3 cards.
The Outlaws Bundle - 1 bundle for 3 cards.

Let me know what you are offering. Good day to you all.

1 decade ago*

[W] Be Mine 8 non-bta
Humble Indie Bundle 8 non-bta
Humble Telltale Weekly non-bta

[H] 2 TF2 keys

Edit: Alternatively I have 9 cards for those 3 gift urls if you prefer ;)

1 decade ago

Added you on the off-chance you still want this deal and it never went through with OP.

1 decade ago

Got it from someone else but thanks lol ;)

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.