I have...

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 [GONE]
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2 [GONE]
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3 [GONE]
A fuckton of trading cards. PM me on Steam for a list. I have 50-60 maybe. Some dupes.

I want...

Whatever you want to offer me. Serious offers only.
I accept CSGO skins and keys, but no TF2/DotA2 items.

Check my wishlist as well to give me better offers.

I picked up some games, but HN is hard to play without a controller.
Doorkickers just doesn't look that interesting to me. Has good reviews though, maybe you'll like it.
I played the BIT.TRIP games a few years ago on my Wii, and had a lot of fun with them.

These games will be ready to actually "trade" in a bit over a week, maybe two. For the time being they can only be sent as gifts. But, you can still send me offers, and let me know if you just want me to gift them to you.

7 years ago*

Hi, you still have Doorkickers?

7 years ago

Hey, Doorkickers is now $0.01 on humble. How many gems/cards do you want for it?

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.