I've got an X-Com Collection key from a Bureau pre-order, but I already own X-Com: Enemy Unknown and the subsequent DLC I want for it, so I was hoping to trade it off for some TF2 keys. If you've got a copy of something on my wishlist to trade, some TF2 keys, or something else, I'm willing to entertain offers.

X-Com Collection store page: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/29309/?snr=1_7_15__13

Would be willing to let it go for 6 keys, but there's room for other deals/offers.

1 decade ago*

you know it free copy it not worth 60$ but i can give you portal 2 + sonic all star racing transformed

1 decade ago

As I said in the original post, I'm not expecting anywhere near $60 for it. With regards to your offer, no thank you, I already own Portal 2 and am not interested in Sonic ASRT.

1 decade ago

Then you should not have to mention its 60$.

1 decade ago

I felt it was clear enough, but I've removed it anyways, since you both seem to think it wasn't. Thanks.

1 decade ago

How many Keys for Just Enemy Unknown?

1 decade ago

The key is for the entire pack, so I can't piece-meal it out in that way, sorry.

1 decade ago

I apologize for entering this thread, but as the OP can not trade only EU, I have a Xcom EU gift I could give you for 4 keys. thanks

1 decade ago

Are you interested in Age of Empires II HD or Crusader Kings 2?

1 decade ago

Sorry, no, thank you.

1 decade ago

spec ops the line?

1 decade ago

Already own it, just gave away a secondary copy I had a couple of days ago. Thanks, though.

1 decade ago

the darkness 2?

1 decade ago

Not quite enough on its own, thanks. If it was only X-Com EU without the DLC, then I think that'd be a fair trade, but otherwise I don't want Darkness 2 quite badly enough.

1 decade ago

i can add tf2 keys

1 decade ago

I'd be willing to do that for enough keys, I just don't know that we're in the same ballpark is all. Darkness 2 is worth 3 keys, X-Com EU is worth 4, I'd say the two DLCs would make for another 2 or 3, and then the original X-Com games would be another 1. So I'd be looking at like Darkness II and 5 keys, which seems like a pretty big bump up from your original offer.

I'd be willing to let it go for less than that if I was more interested in the offered game, but I know it'll go on sale for close to $4 on GMG probably not too long from now so I've got no inclination to place a high value on it.

1 decade ago

Would you like to change anything yours for my steam keys of Saints Row 2-3, Risen 2, Sacred 2, Wasteland Angel, Crash Time II, Tank Universal, Alien Shooter I-II-Conscription, PAM, Robin Hood, Pacific Storm, RIP Trilogy or Zombie Driver HD Cards?

1 decade ago

Sorry, those are pretty much all bundle games, so I've already got them and they're not worth much. Thanks for the offer.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.