I have...

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Traded :::::: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege (Uplay Code)
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Traded :::::: Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

I want...

as you can see, only CS:GO keys or TF2 Keys.

It's not a gifts. I'll give you a code.
If you interested in this offer, first leave a comments in here and add me from the steam please. thanks! :)

7 years ago*

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
5 CS:GO Keys 로 교환하고 싶어요

7 years ago

thank you for the trade.
거래 감사합니다 ^^

7 years ago

its for steam or uplay?
if steam, feel free to add me

7 years ago

as you can see from my wirting it's Uplay code.
have a good day.

7 years ago

I would like to trade for Siege. I can trade for the 6 CSGO keys but it will take a bit of time. If you are able I can do paypal equivalant for keys right away though

7 years ago

Hi there. :) can you be more specific about your comment please?
what do you mean by take a time? are you implying that you're not using steam mobile authenticator?

7 years ago

I would need to buy the keys from resellers since I do not have them :p

So that would take a little time or I could just send you the paypal equivalent of buying CSGO keys from resellers and trade right away

7 years ago*

oh! I can totally wait for you. take your time and if you're ready for trade, feel free to add me from steam.
I'm sorry but I don't do paypal trade. so If you don't mind please do that.

7 years ago

Awesome, so will the game be considered on hold for now then? I don't have to worry about someone else swooping in and taking the trade while I'm trying to buy keys? :p

7 years ago

yeah sure. you have my solemn promise. but if you hurry I would be grateful for that.

7 years ago

I am trying to, most traders are asleep now xD

7 years ago

LOL I did say please hurry but it doesn't mean we have to do it right now.
well I'd say it's time difference! it can wait. we can talk to this tomorrow or the day after.

7 years ago

Ready for trade

7 years ago

thank you so much for the nice trade. ^^

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.