Hi im looking for 2 Sacred Gold keys for me and my brother.
i have the following items to trade:

2x Nuclear Dawn (tradable copies)
Critical mass key
Smite beta key

if you have sacred keys to trade contact me anyway in case i have other items to offer too. Thanks!

1 decade ago*

While I do not have any Sacred keys currently, I might have a spare if I decide to get that Gala bundle later as I already have Sacred Gold. Thus, I am posting to remind me later if I decide to get it.

1 decade ago

cool, if you decide to get it let me know. if you want a copy of my nuclear dawn since its tradable i could use another key from the indie gala bundle. be sure to buy it during happy hour so you can get extra copies :)

1 decade ago

I've got one sacred gold right now, add me if interested!

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.