I have...

Don't Starve - Shipwrecked DLC - http://store.steampowered.com/app/393010/ (ROW)

I want...

2.5 CSGO Keys (.5 = ToD or Capsule)
2.5 TF2 Keys (.5 = ToD or Capsule)

Post, add - I buy on demand!

If you have higher rep, I'll trade my gifts first, and vice versa (these are untradable for 30 days)

8 years ago*

2 dota keys ?

8 years ago

Can you link me what keys exactly?

Edit: Checked your inventory, Treasure Keys have been gone since July.

8 years ago*

are u accept paypal

8 years ago

Sorry, I do not

8 years ago

Castle Crashers + 1 key?

8 years ago

Added to discuss
Cheers :)

8 years ago*

4x Shadow Case Keys for 2x Don't Starve: Shipwrecked

8 years ago

Sure thing, just respond when you get back :)

Done and done, thanks for the trade!

8 years ago*

So basically Don't Starve: Shipwrecked costs 4,99€ on Steam without any discounts. You want 2,5 TF2 keys in exchange. Keys currently cost 2,15€ and ToDs are 0,95€. Summing up, you want items worth 5,25€ for a game worth 4,99€. That's a helluva bargain.

8 years ago

I can see you're new to trading - deals like this are common everywhere, take a look at tf2outpost and such. In fact, most of this site has people "overpricing" for games. Do you know why people do this? Demand and the convenience of buying with keys, because some people don't have access to steam wallets but they do with keys. Some people can charge for less because of region pricing. So do me a favor and don't post irrelevant shit on people's threads. Now I'll have to redo this thread because such a dumbass comment, thanks.

Obviously people bought the game too, so I'm guessing I'm doing something right.

8 years ago*

Closed 8 years ago.