Hello guys,

Is there someone from US who wants Metro Last Light KEY because it seems that I cannot activate on EU STEAM client and Amazon is not giving me a refund. So I'm asking you guys, if there is someone who wants this, I can give it at the same price that I've bought it from Amazon.

I've bought it for 13.60$ and now on Amazon is listed at 39.90$.

PRICE 13.60$

Or I'm waiting offers with other games and of course if the your game is more expensive I can give you a difference.

What I really want is AC Black Flag / ARMA III / Batman: Arkham Origins / Total War™: ROME II / Tomb Raider Collection

I have also PAYPAL.

thank you guys!

1 decade ago*

Sorry to say but Metro LL was available as gift on the Autumn sale for a Russian price of 4 keys, equivalent to 7.50$

1 decade ago

I've Tomb Raider Collection (10 games including Tomb Raider 2013 + single player DLC) as Steam Gifts but wondering if your Metro: Last Light key will work with a Canadian account. Any idea?

1 decade ago

I think that you are using as STEAM client the one from STATES and you see the same prices as in US, so I think you can activate. But what it will the best way is to try with the KEY in order to see if everything will be OK. How we can get in contact?


1 decade ago

Thanks for the reply! I've added you on Steam to discuss this.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.