I have...

Supraball key
Something from inventory http://steamcommunity.com/id/naumov995/inventory/

I want...

Organ Trail Director's Cut

I want Organ Trail.
I know Supraball is not an pretty good offer,but it's worth 9.99,you can resell it somewhere to make a profit :P
I don't want to trade stuff from my PAYDAY 2 inventory because that is my favorite game and i want to keep that items,except if
you have Biker Safe and you want to trade it for some of the old safes(but i don't believe there are people who would want to do that.)
If you have the Final Cut DLC and Organ Trail,i may be more interested in your offer.
Hope you will find something from my inventory that you like :P
Here is my trade link... https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=162882121&token=JY1KLcvB

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.