I have...

ːbatsymbolː Add me to start the 30 days waiting period.
ːbatsymbolː Please LEAVE A COMMENT which items you're interested in.
ːbatsymbolː BUYER WILL ALWAYS GO FIRST, No exceptions.
ːbatsymbolː If you want to buy, PREPAYMENT FOR RESERVATION IS REQUIRED.
ːbatsymbolː The minimum fee for reservation is 1 key and you pay the rest in the 30th day.
ːbatsymbolː Preferable CSGO key are: Spectrum II or Horizon.
ːbatsymbolː Strictly NO Hydra/E-Sports Keys.
ːbatsymbolː Reservation fee is not refundable.
ːbatsymbolː Your reservation fee will be subtracted from the price.
ːbatsymbolː Don't waste money on trying your luck.
ːbatsymbolː Buy the set that you want the most.

[b]ːyuzukiː TI8 Collector's Cache I ːyuzukiː[/b]
Quantity | Hero | Name of Item | Price | Reserved

1 | Shadow Shaman | Endowments of the Lucent Canopy | 8 Keys | 9/9/18 @ 11:08 P.M.
1 | Warlock | Dread Compact | 7 Keys | Reserved on 8/12/18 @ 3:25 P.M.
1 | Phantom Assasin | Visions of the Lifted Veil | 2 Keys | No
1 | Invoker | Fate Meridian | 2 Keys | No
1 | WK | Stonemarch Sovereign | 2 Keys | Reserved on 8/27/18 @ 10:13 P.M.
1 | Pangolier | Pitfall Crusader | 2 Keys | Reserved on 9/4/18 @ 3:55 P.M.
1 | Necrophos | The Murid Divine | 2 Key | Reserved on 8/13/18 @ 6:32 P.M.
1 | Undying | Forlorn Descent | 2 Key | Reserved on 8/13/18 @ 6:32 P.M.
1 | QoP | Raptures of the Abyssal Kin | 2 Keys | No
1 | S.B | Pillar of the Fractured Citadel | 2 Keys | No
1 | Venomancer | Molokau Stalker | 2 Keys | No
1 | Witch Doctor | Morbific Provision | 2 Keys | No
1 | Techies | Primer of the Sapper's Guile | 2 Keys | No
1 | Weaver | Grasp of the Riven Exile | 2 Keys | No

[b]ːsayakaː TI8 Collector's Cache II ːsayakaː [/b]
Quantity | Hero | Name of Item | Price | Reserved

1 | Dragon Knight | Third Awakening | 2 Keys | No
1 | Ember Spirit | Fires of the Volcanic Guard | 2 Key | No
1 | Doom | Dread Ascendance | 2 Keys | Reserved on 9/3/18 @ 10:45 P.M.
1 | Magnus | Cruelties of the Spiral Bore | 2 Keys | No
1 | Phoenix | Ire of Molten Rebirth | 2 Keys | Reserved on 9/1/18 @ 11:02 P.M.
1 | Axe | Shackles of the Enduring Conscript | 2 Keys | No
1 | Chen | The Rat King | 2 Key | No
1 | Nyx | Shimmer of the Anointed | 2 Keys | No
1 | Brewmaster | Loaded Prospects | 2 Keys | No
1 | Broodmother | Pattern of the Silken Queen | 2 Keys | Reserved on 9/13/18 @ 11:33 A.M.
1 | Meepo | Pitmouse Fraternity | 2 Keys | No

[b]ːhikariː Status on the current trades: ːhikariː[/b]

ːbrknifeː Done and delivered. Buyer received the items successfully.
ːeventhorizon666ː Owes me keys: Buyer paid for reservation and needs to pay remaining keys in 30th day.
ːintergalacticː Advanced payment made. Fully-paid and is waiting for the 30th day to receive the items.
ːcsgoxː Needs prepayment. Buyer hasn't paid for reservation yet. Needs to pay as soon as possible.

These are all the people that are on currently on trading for the cache:

ːeventhorizon666ː https://steamcommunity.com/id/dannyrongda (owes 6 CSGO Keys)
ːbrknifeː https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027375590 (Done and Delivered)
ːintergalacticː https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367902142 (Fully Paid waiting for 30 Days)
ːintergalacticː https://steamcommunity.com/id/heckfire (Fully paid waiting for 30 Days)
ːeventhorizon666ː https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116353845 (owes 1 CSGO Key)
ːcsgoxː https://steamcommunity.com/id/Pabben (owes 2 CSGO Keys)
ːcsgoxː https://steamcommunity.com/id/Kargak (owes 8 CSGO Keys)
ːcsgoxː https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198367902142 (owes 2 CSGO Keys)

[b]ːsschoolː Trading Timeline ːsschoolː [/b]

ːbatsymbolː Dread Compact (Warlock)
• Reservation fee deposited on 8/20/18 @ 10:17pm, to be followed by the rest before gifting.

ːbatsymbolː The Murid Divine (Necrophos) and Forlorn Descent (Undying)
• Delievered on 9/12/18 @ 7:49 pm

ːbatsymbolː Stonemarch Sovereign (Wraith King)
• Fully Paid on 9/4/18, will be able to gift in 9/27/18.

ːbatsymbolː Ire of Molten Rebirth (Phoenix)
• Fully Paid on 9/1018, will be able to gift in 10/1/18.

ːbatsymbolː Dread Ascendance (Doom)
• Reservation fee deposited on 9/12/18 @ 3:22am, to be followed by the rest before gifting.

ːbatsymbolː Pitfall Crusader (Pangolier)
• Reservation fee will be made 7days after 9/4/18 , will be able to gift in 10/4/18.

ːbatsymbolː Endowments of the Lucent Canopy (Shadow Shaman)
• Reservation fee will be made 7days after 9/9/18 , will be able to gift in 10/9/18.

ːbatsymbolː Pattern of the Silken Queen (Broodmother)
• Advanced payment will be made 7days after 9/13/18 , will be able to gift in 10/13/18.

I want...

[H]CSGO Keys

ːbatsymbolː Add me to start the 30 days waiting period.
ːbatsymbolː Please LEAVE A COMMENT which items you're interested in.
ːbatsymbolː BUYER WILL ALWAYS GO FIRST, No exceptions.
ːbatsymbolː If you want to buy, PREPAYMENT FOR RESERVATION IS REQUIRED.
ːbatsymbolː The minimum fee for reservation is 1 key and you pay the rest in the 30th day.
ːbatsymbolː Preferable CSGO key are: Spectrum II or Horizon.
ːbatsymbolː Strictly NO Hydra/E-Sports Keys.
ːbatsymbolː Reservation fee is not refundable.
ːbatsymbolː Your reservation fee will be subtracted from the price.
ːbatsymbolː Don't waste money on trying your luck.
ːbatsymbolː Buy the set that you want the most.

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.