I have...

NieR:Automata = 46.5 $ pp / wmz / btc

I want...

Webmoney,Paypal or BTC

Few rules how i operate: buyer goes first ( check my rep if any issues ) ,buyer pays fees if any and i reserve the right to not sell if something is fishy to me. Be polite,its not hard . Leaving rep after trade is done is optional. If any questions,ask me,i usually respond within 1h +/- . Before adding me,leave a message here or on my steam profile.

For any other game that its not on the list ask for price. Price could change few cents,confirm price before buying.

7 years ago*

I can do $35 for Nier. It can be found for $40 elsewhere online

7 years ago

10€ for Gang beasts ?

7 years ago

Hello, I am interested in Nier:Automata I am willing to trade my CS:GO Knife for it. Pm me for details Knife is worth around 80$

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.