I have...

$45 Steam Wallet

I want...

$25 Xbox Live Code

I'm looking for a $25 (or more would be awesome) Xbox Live card and willing to trade up to $45.36 of Steam Wallet. I will purchase as many keys as can be bought for this amount or you can pick a game that is up to that amount.

Really good deal for you, recently a person got into my account and used it to purchase games, but I noticed it before they got finished so I still had some items and wallet left over from them. I am mainly on XBL now though, so would rather have some money on it.

I will go first if you have more rep than me and 0 negatives, otherwise you go first. I get off work at 4 PM CST and will check this periodically through the day.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Sure, you are trading? I am still at work for an hour.

8 years ago

yes, I am trading. I perfer in tf2 keys or we can do something by steam wallet. Go ahead take your time I'll save xbox $25 card for you. Also, I added you on steam.

8 years ago*

Closed 8 years ago.