Selling Humble indie Bundle Worms BTA Weekly for 1 TF2 Key!!!

But before that, I've got a better deal for you;

Please, just pirate the games instead.

Why? because this way you will cause less harm.

Please think logically. Why would any one buy a 6$ Bundle and sell it for a lot less?

There are no ways to get the bundle cheaper then 6$.

Traders who sell these BTA bundles for 2 TF2 keys or around

that price are using stolen credit cards.

When you buy from them you simply help them launder the money they stole.

When you pirate the game, the devs don't get any money.

When you buy these fraud bundles the devs don't any money and someone else loses his own money.

You help a thief launder his money and fill the scum with cash.

So if you decide to buy these 2 TF2 keys BTA bundles, don't.

You will save your own money as well.

Please don't be confused; When you buy a tradeable copy from a Russian trader he buys the copy legitimately.

Steam CIS store has cheaper prices than the rest of the world.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

Number of people who added me to trade: 6

1 decade ago*


1 decade ago

Had 2 cipher prime bundles removed from my account as well, it seems to be working allright with gifturls but not with claimable urls. claimable urls vanish but the gifturls stay... it's weird, maybe it depends on the trader but it's obviously fraud, I sent the support an email too but they react kinda weird, like they don't really care, not solving the problem

1 decade ago


1 decade ago


1 decade ago

Now read the thread :)

1 decade ago

bump, thanks for opening a thread like that

1 decade ago

Love you.

1 decade ago

bump :)

1 decade ago


1 decade ago


1 decade ago

you should close this topic because I was gonna report you on the official credit card fraud topic xD
No, really, close it because we have the official sticky one already

1 decade ago

Closed 8 years ago.