Yeah You Trade an Account for a Game thats a Fail cos u get to keep your accounts Email and u can regain access to your account through steam safety settings so this is a scam
still no proof. just making false statements, and i don't really care what you think. and sure, it seems a bit off but you have no way of proving that it's a fake.
-50% in Valve games + 1 Coal + Get Back to Karkand DLC key for Counter-Strike Source? I really want it :)
i'd give you all of my inventory for cs:s (including some coupons, some coal, huge load of tf2 items)
I want CSS
I have any of these games:
[]The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
[]Half Life 2
[]Half Life 2 EP1
[]Half Life 2 EP2
[]Holiday Sale 2011 Gift: Tropico Trilogy
[]Portal 1
[]Nuclear Dawn
[]Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus
[]Shadowgrounds Survivor
[] Costume Quest
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 + NFS Hot pursuit 2010 (Origin account)
Battlefield 3 Limited Edition + Crysis 2 (Origin account)
FOR MW3 + 1 more game
I can offer you those games for Modern Warfare 3:
F.E.A.R. Collection ( ) (including FEAR 3) [$50]
Dead Space Spack (including Dead Space 1 & 2) [$35]
Add me if you're interested!
Also you can check that i have these games here
basically giving this steam account for dota 2 or good offers. message me on steam or comment if interested or if you have offers.