I have...

AMD rewards account
The division 2
Resident Evil 2
Devil May Cry 5

I want...

90€ Paypal

It's an account because I thought the would send keys and not the "log in with steam and redeem your game" method. After the payment I would change my email and send you the password.
I konw, it sound shady but it really is not like that. I have a Steam account with no vac bans and a steamtrades account with +35 reputation, we could speak on steam chat if you think I'm an impersonator.

If you have high reviews I can go first.

This is my steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rippone/

90€ on paypal, after the payment I will change the account e-mail and send to you the password, so you can redeem RE2 already and wait for the other 2.

If you need other infos I'm here to answer to you. I sell those games because I don't want to play it, I bought an RX590 so I redeemed the coupon with 3 choices on 3 games.

5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago.