user scammed me out of 25 dollars... he then deleted me and blocked his profile... really shitty that people must do that :/

1 decade ago*

never go first with real money

1 decade ago

Yeah, i learned that the hard way... fucking sucks man... i cant afford to take a hit likethat :/

1 decade ago

Oh, i'm sorry for you :/ But going first with real money is not all the problem. Sellers get scammed too so they dont want to go first too. New steam profiles, less hours of games, suspicious acts, secret profiles (what are you hiding in there ? ) less reps these all matters.

Good luck in your other trades mate :/

1 decade ago

Report him here if have the proof of transaction like a screenshot or a video or chat log. anything.

After that send a ticket to steam as-well just in-case. I got a guy banned for scamming off my Batman AC, Well its just not me, that fellow has scammed a lot of people so after reporting to valve, valve had put a trade ban on him. Only thing is sometimes or most of the time Steam support replies late and by that time the scammer would have traded the scammed stuff but they do take action if they find anything after investigating or give them proper proof.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.