I have Don't Starve + Reign of Giants 2-Pack tradable gift and i want 7 KEYS for it. Only interested keys for now. Add me for fast trade or send me trade offer here

Important Note: You'll be getting multiplayer free with Don't Starve if you ALREADY own the game. Or featured with Don't Starve for an extra fee(Min. 5USD) on top of the normal asking price(15 USD right now) for Don't Starve alone. So anyone wanting to get Don't Starve(Esp. 2 Pack), now is that time, before the price goes up. Don't Starve Multiplayer is coming soon, only 2 weeks left!!!

9 years ago*

I already have a couple copies, but I was wondering, if you have the game in your inventory, but not your library, does it still include multiplayer?

9 years ago

Probably not. You need to check this thread and contact to developer.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.