I have...

80 and something euros worth of cards (according to steam.tools).
1050 of them.

I want...

CS:GO Keys
TF2 Keys

Trying get rid of them. ^^'

8 years ago*

let me pick 40 cards for 1 Tf key ?
let me pick 77 cards for 2 Tf keys ?
ps.: no foils.

Thank you :)

8 years ago

Well... I don't like doing it on the quantity.
What about putting a price on it ?
Like 2.80€ worth of cards per key ?

8 years ago

Well.. we could try it :) . . . Do u have a trade link or should i add you ? Thanks ;) Take care

8 years ago

Added you.
Steam inventory helper may help you getting to 2,80. ^^'

8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.