

Another World (Gift) - 2 TF2 KEYS
FEZ (Gift) - 3 TF2 KEYS

1 decade ago*

These are both on sale and much cheaper in the store. To be honest anyone who gives you keys for these over priced games is a moron

1 decade ago

You are wrong. And you should not come in a post of another person to disturb the trades. 3 TF2 keys in Euro is less than FEZ in many places. And many people can't buy games and have TF2 keys.
So, please, if you don't know what are you doing don't talk about it and don't disturb the threads.

1 decade ago

FEZ is on sale at Steam, if someone have keys he could just sell those keys and buy the fucking game.

1 decade ago

Rayman Origins Gift for FEZ?

1 decade ago

We can do it. Added.

1 decade ago

Dungeon Siege 3 Or 1tf2key and SPAZ for Fez?

1 decade ago

I'm accepting only tf2 keys now. ty

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.