
Note: You will go first in the trade.

1 decade ago*

LOL I mean you are offering a free game for OMD2 and you are not going first.

1 decade ago

=)) what a moron. Here, take mine: FHC4-3TMR-2LNE-RYEG-M4DU

1 decade ago

too bad it was origin otherwise would of ninjaed it

1 decade ago

Dota was just as free. Even after a storm of keys and gifts, people are still trading it. It may not have any value for you, but that does not mean it is the same for others. If you are not interested you can just skip this topic.
Also, please refrain yourself from calling people morons.

1 decade ago

Dota is not free ;) The gifts are from valve to the owners.. And that 1 week alpha key is from a site where u need to do like 2 cliks, so yes u are a morron ;)

1 decade ago

Ti da cutis seljacino bugarska

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.