I bought BF3 Premium Editon on GreenManGaming, just for the service, and I have a key for the base game to trade or sell.

Let me know,


1 decade ago*

i only have torchlight 2 and i want BF 3 Premium Edition, Can ?

1 decade ago

I just did a group buy for Torchlight 2, so no thanks. But BF3 is still available if you have anything else.

1 decade ago

So I don't get this BF3 thinggy.

I need to activate it on origin, then When I get that BF3 premium edition. What do I get? Is that a base game + premium content?

1 decade ago

No I bought the premium edition, JUST for the Premium Service. It was cheaper than buying just the premium service alone. I came with 2 keys, one for the service (which I used), and another for the base game (which is what I am selling/trading.

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.