I have...

Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited Account
Contains 500 Gold
Been around since Beta- May contain a familiar, cannot check due to having to download the client.
Played once, otherwise Clean

I want...

Offers- Steam games, TF2 Keys, Others
High Priority being either Overwatch Key or BattleNet Account.

If you do want this account just message me so we can discuss how to go about transferring the account to you.

Im fine with going first in most situations due to the nature of the trade.

7 years ago

How about a slime rancher and hotline miami 2 key from humble bundle?

7 years ago

Yeah thatll work, add me on steam and we can talk about how to go about transferring the account
Or if you have a platform you want to use instead let me know

7 years ago*

Closed 7 years ago.