I have...
Game Price in keys
Yrminsul 0.5
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons 0.5
Giana Sisters: Twisted Bundle 0.5
Armada 2526 Gold Edition 0.5key and 2refs
Alien Rage - Unlimited 0.5key and 3refs
Frozen Synapse 0.5key and 4refs
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure 0.5key and 4refs
Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown 0.5key and 5refs
Frozen Cortex 0.5key and 8refs
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Season 1 0.5 key and 15refs
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 - Collector's Edition 1key
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered 1key and 2refs
Knight Squad 1key and 2refs
Heavy Bullets (gift) 1key and 4refs
GRAV 1key and 10refs
Jurassic Park: The Game 1key and 13refs
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition (gift) 2keys and 10refs
The Wolf Among Us 2keys and 14refs
I want...

Tf2 / CSGO keys, Tour of Duty tickets and Refined Metals

1key = 16-17 refs
0.5 key = 1 ToD

You can pay in any form (ref/key/tod), just has to be equal to listed price.

All of them are steam keys unless mentioned otherwise, lower rep goes first (I can go first if you have trust isssues, but you'll need at least +60/-0 rep here on SG.

8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.