8 years ago*

If you can't rank up, what's the point of wanting to play against better players? I feel like a better option would be, to just play WITH them, which will not only make them rank up since they're winning, but also you can teach them how to get better and not derank instantly after getting back on.

8 years ago

Well it's not that I can't reach Global again. The point is I was inactive and lost the rank.
You are right about the learning by playing thing, but there are many people out there who just want the rank to have it.

8 years ago

You will have to give me your account details.

I'm pretty sure that's against Steam's TOS

8 years ago

Well I'm thinking about the way primeshark talked about. I will have a look at it. :)

8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago.