This utter cretin tried the ol' 'please add my friend he can't add you' bullshit

AVOID and do not click on the link this motherless son of goat tries to message you

1 decade ago*

He just added me and I blocked him because his profile screams scammer. Glad to see I was right.

1 decade ago

he added me and still is listed in my friend list.Of course i reported him to steam support.but he didnt know that.
next time when he message me,how should i treat him ?his address 76561198115571335

1 decade ago

Not sure really. I just unfriended him and told him to go fuck himself. I suppose it would be interesting to see if steam actually do shut down his account, but I presume he has multiple accounts so it wouldn't bother him

1 decade ago

What exactly is the "my friend can't add you" thing...?

1 decade ago

ok what happens is this (I know cause I got my account hacked a few months ago)

  1. You get a friend request
  2. You accept
  3. This 'friend' messages you saying that a friend of his is trying to add you but can't as he keeps getting a error. Can you please add him?
  4. He sends you a link to his his 'friend's steam profile
  5. This is a fishing link that prompts you to enter your steam login. (I was silly to enter these details, but it does look legitimately like a normal steam account) Once you do he has your username and password.
  6. He then logs into your account. Changes your password and steals everything that isn't bolted down.
1 decade ago

Closed 6 years ago.