I have...

League of Legends Account

I want...

CS GO Keys

Since I'm not playing this game any mroe, I want to trade it in. I have a second Account in case I want to play again which isn't likely.

The Account has 53 Skins, every necessary Rune and 10 Rune Pages. (In case you want to see Runes/Runesites/Skins etc. I can make a Screenshot).

The Skins:
Stinger Akali
Crimson Akali
Matador Alista
Almost Prom King Amumu
Hextech Anivia
Piltover Customs Blitzcrank
Desperada Cassiopeia
Siren Cassiopeia
Tango Evelynn
Spectral Fiddlesticks
Commando Jarvan
Darkforge Jarvan
Sandstomr Katarina
Prestigious Leblanc
Pool Party Lee Sin
Traditional Lee Sin
Pentakill Mordekaiser
Blackthorn Morgana
Galactic Nasus
Frozen Terror Nocturne
Outback Renekton
Battle Bunny Riven
Asylum Shaco
Mad Hatter Shaco
Royal Shaco
Masked Shaco
Wild Card Shaco
Surgeon Shen
Boneclaw Shyvanna
Darkflame Shyvanna
Lumberjack Sion
Earthrune Skarner
Norhern Front Swain
Lil Slugger Trundle
Officer Vi
Shockblade Zed
Project Zed

And the Skins that aren't buyable anymore (Or at least at the moment)
Red Baron Corki
Victorious Elise
Angler Jax
Traditional Karma
Deep One Kassadin
Judgement Kayle
Victorious Morgana
TPA Orianna
Noxus Poppy
Rune Wars Renekton
Victorious Sivir
Riot Girl Tristana
Traditional Trundle
Vandal Twitch
Big Bad Warwick
SKT1 Zed

The Account has 113 Champions and exists since Season 1 with Victorious Skins listed above.

RP: 207
IP: 4964

Leave a comment if you want to know something else about the Account.

7 years ago*

jow many keys do you want for that account? includes email right?

7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.