Hey guys, I gave a ton of stuff away during Christmas (I didn't have a real gaming rig at the time). I was able to sell my 2012 textbooks recently though and it gave me enough money to build a decent rig and this game came as a redeemable voucher with my GeForce 660 Ti (however I already own the game + season pass for PS3). I don't have any trades under my belt (on this site at least) but many people in the SG/ST community can vouch for me (including the crazy mofo known as Yatterman =p). Grazie!

P.S. - Feel free to look through all inventory items... probably of the most interest would be TF2 items. I'd throw pretty much any item(s) to sweeten the deal =)

P.P.S. - If you have some positive trades under your belt than I would be more than happy to make sure everything gets squared away on your end with AC3 before the trade; I'd actually likely do this for anyone but if you have some positive trades I'd be slightly less scared of getting scammed =p

1 decade ago*

AC3 for sniper ghost warrior + 3x nexuiz ?

1 decade ago

Closed 1 decade ago.