I have...

3 Months of Xbox Game Pass for PC

I want...

Good game offers or CS:GO skins.

Got Xbox Game Pass for PC when I ordered my RX 5700 a while back. Figured I'd sell or trade it since I'm probably not going to use it. Any offer thats good enough will do. BS offers such as a P250 sand dune or free giveaway games will be ignored.

I will NOT go first when trading. Have done it elsewhere in the past and I learnt my lesson. If you don't like it, don't send me an offer.

4 years ago

Hi, so I'll put this out there and it's up to you to decide. It sucks being taken advantage of, but I'm guessing it was a user with low reputation. I don't think I'd be willing to go first here, and it's completely up to you if you feel comfortable going first with a +402 rep user with 0 negative feedback. No hard feelings either way, but...

I have lots of games availablable. I'd be curious to know what you'd want (as long as it's valid in the US).

4 years ago


That is totally understandable. Is it possible for me to add you so we can negotiate a bit? I'll go second if you have 402/0. Totally fine with that.

4 years ago

Sure, I'll send you an invite and we can see if there's anything we can agree upon.

4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago.