I have...

Trading cards

I want...

Kellogg's cereal spoon codes

This is going to be the strangest trade offer I have ever made, without a doubt.
I need one of these Kellogg's personalised spoons, okay? For me. I am never too old to want a spoon with 'Hol Donk' written on it.
SO. This trade. The codes are free with every Kellogg's cereal box. If you have one lying around, please find it.
The code should be here http://prntscr.com/7boz7h on the lid of the box, so please ensure you have a code here BEFORE making an offer.
No, this is not a joke. I want a spoon. Just say how many cards. No crazy offers.
This spoon means the world to me, I need three codes, so.
Also, don't give me a redeemed or made up code, I will -rep you.

9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.