I have...


This scumbag is declaring me as a scammer on his steamtrades page and stealing my g2a customers probably because he is very jealous of a having competitor in providing g2a service. I really need community's help and suggestion over this. He's crossing his limits. Is there any way I can overcome this problem? Can the community somehow pressurize him to stop doing it?

I want...


This scumbag is declaring me as a scammer on his steamtrades page and stealing my g2a customers probably because he is very jealous of a having competitor in providing g2a service. I really need community's help and suggestion over this. He's crossing his limits. Is there any way I can overcome this problem? Can the community somehow pressurize him to stop doing it?

7 years ago*

oh seriously? you can do the same as i guess and remember u got a good rep and good clients so the persons coming after you won't even chcek his post

6 years ago

I don't want to play dirty game that he is playing! If I do the same, there won't be any difference between him and me! But there are few newbie traders who just believe in his words (as he has higher rep than me). Just lost a customer who wanted to buy a big game from me because of this mo*o :(

6 years ago

wow you can ask on steamgifts discussions they can help you but don't worry mate no one is gonna make ur rep dirty in few words

6 years ago

Hmm..yeah. Thanks for advice, hope it helps.

6 years ago

contacted you on steam as u are already on my friend list please give me link

6 years ago

Thanks a lot for your support!

6 years ago

Only one user can have thread with same service?
U doing g2a purchase, he doing g2a purchase, where is problem? Its like u will sell Rust and we all others cant sell rust here because u selling it? I didnt got it at all.
Can the community somehow pressurize him to stop doing it
?? Stop what? G2A purchase service? U dont own any rights to this, anyone can do it aswell.

If he call u scammer u need resolve it with him. ST community is bad, what u want? U expect any logic or smth here?
If he call u scammer for no reason just because he want make himself looks better than you (or others), then yes, its stupid childish thing. But u need to talk with this user why.

Gold rule, dont care about others what they say or doing and do your own trading and ignore these poor "wars".
suggestion? nothing, talk with him why he cal u scammer and in best way resolve it, its all u can do. If user it at least bit normal u can reach normal result with him.

6 years ago*

"Only one user can have thread with same service? U doing g2a purchase, he doing g2a purchase, where is problem? Its like u will sell Rust and we all others cant sell rust here because u selling it?" I guess you gotta tell this to him instead!!

I don't want him to stop his g2a service. I want to stop him calling out me a scammer! Ofcourse it's childish and stupid but still becoming a problem for me!!

Thanks a lot for the Golden Rule Sketcz. :D But I already tried talking to him.

6 years ago

And he just gave me a -ve rep now!

6 years ago

I have no idea why or what u (or he) did. U need talk with him, but if hes not interested..
anyway rep isnt trade related so...
call someone scammer into thread without real proof is meh
create thread about someone as hes bad is meh too

6 years ago*

IK...but it's pissing off!

6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago.