Yeah, so my autistic 6-year old son saw the game page for Zoo Rampage and has expressed a keen interest with regards to playing it, (which is awesome. The only other game he has been this excited about was Lego Marvel Super Heroes and he's currently at just over 94% complete on that).

I have a selection of Bundle games to choose from, so if anybody has Zoo Rampage available and, if a game is on my list that you may be interested in, would be kind enough to trade, it would be greatly appreciated.

I am aware the game is a very low price, (£2.79 at full price), but my funds are such that when my wife took my kids and left me, she very spitefully told the DWP I wasn't as disabled as I made out. It's not true, I am, but they still stopped my disability and ESA money so I have nothing coming in right now, which makes purchasing it myself impossible. (Thankfully, I waited until a moment of friendliness between us and got her to sign a contract stating I get the kids at least 2 nights a week, usually at weekends. Now she can't stop me seeing them out of spite, so HA! to that!!)

The list of my games is here

I thank you for your time and will await, (hopefully), for an offer regarding a reasonable trade.



9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago.