I have...


I want...

Avemum 2

As they are your spare serials, please offer a fair price, only trustworthy people.
My Mobile Authenticator is enabled.

7 years ago*

I can trade both of them for 2 keys worth of gems total.

7 years ago

more precisely? 4000?

7 years ago*

As the market usually goes, 2 keys would be 8 sacks AKA 8000 gems.

7 years ago

really? if we were to compare both prices on the market I would say a key is about 2-2.5 sacks depending on sack price.

7 years ago*

I didn't decide the price exchange on them. If you can find someone willing to give you keys for gems, I'll very gladly take 2 CS:GO keys for those 2 games. If you can't find anyone to do that for under 8000 gems, I'll take that much and find a trader myself.

You have to account for the steam fees, and the fact that you have to wait a week after purchase before you can trade gems/keys, which makes gems have less value. Nobody wants to wait a week before they can trade something they own.

Another component is the fact that CS:GO keys have a constant value, where they can't really dip much under $2.50 or much above $2.50, since you can just buy them from valve. Gems can change a lot, and many people just refuse to take them as payment. Generally people want actual money (paypal is standard, bitcoin is gaining popularity), then valve money (wallet funds), then keys, then Tour of Duty's, then cards, then gems.

7 years ago*

That's why i'm not using tf2/csgo keys in these trades, the title said "bundle keys", which means serial keys, not gifts.
I'm taking the risk to buy some "serial keys" for games that people didn't use from their cheap humblebundles or other bundles for a fair price in gems, nothing more, nothing less.
I have checked several thread before telling 2.5 sack, and here is what I learned here when substituting money for items:
$2.00 = 1 CSGO key
$1.80 = 1 TF2 key / 2 Tods / 2250 Gems

7 years ago*

  1. You aren't taking any risks, you specifically said trustworthy people. People trading YOU take the risk, since you are brand new and have literally no rep here. Asking for a "Serial key" is not a risk by itself, in any way shape or form. A good trader would only give good keys, or give a full refund if they didn't give a working key.

  2. A CS:GO key is worth about $2.50, not $2.00. You're probably making the mistake of assuming the "paypal to steam wallet" conversion matters when comparing gems to keys, but it doesn't. If you account for the fees, you have to do the same for your gems.

  3. Humble Monthly is the only source of "cheap" TIS-100 and Avemum 2 right now. There are no cheap bundles with either game, and Humble Monthly doesn't count as a bundle (you get full value for GAs of both games).

  4. You're making a big mistake in assuming people only have "spare serials". You should probably look into what Humble Monthly and IHB are. I have both TIS-100 and Avemum 2 in my "Humble Library", which means they can be redeemed as serial keys OR gift links. If someone can trade you a serial key, they 99% can trade you a gift link, The only way someone gets locked into a serial key is if someone made a mistake, because you can get it as either type of item with no difference in price and unlimited time to decide which form you want. It will be VERY hard to find someone who can give you a key but not a gift link, so don't count on getting a discount because of that. It makes no difference whether you take a key or gift link.

  5. Saying 2.5 sacks is worth a key is worthless unless you can find someone who will actually do that. It's hard (if possible at all) enough to find someone who would take 3.5 sacks for a key, let alone 2.5. If you CAN find someone who will give you 2 keys for 5 sacks, please do so and I'll gladly trade for them.

The bottom line here is that I want 2 keys. If you can give me that, I'll take it. If not, I want something I can trade for 2 keys easily. If you don't like my offer, I can only wish you luck, because gems are not something that many people want to trade for, and offers will come in very slowly for a post like this.

7 years ago

  1. I'm taking a risk when I buy a SERIAL, as I go first with no hold delay on steam trade. What risk do sellers take with me..? none since I pay with insta steam trade, not PP.
  2. I don't really care since I don't trade them neither for gem nor money, I only used a reference.
  3. True, humble monthly is the source of cheap serials for the games I want. I don't really get what you said after that, there is no reason for it not to count as a bundle, they call it bundle themselves . The sole reason there could be to not sell the games you don't want from it is if they gave you only one serial for the whole bundle.
  4. I was talking about steam gift when I said gifts, directly tradable on steam with 0 risk. But you make a good point, there is the HB gift links, it's just a question of having the game drm-free though.
  5. I agree it's worthless to talk about tf2/csgo keys here when all that matters is the games I want, and the offers in gems. refer to #2.

You got that bundle, $137 worth of games as they say (MSRP), for only $12, and you want me to pay 2 keys... the equivalent of $4.5 (yes, no less since that money can be used to buy game on steam, I'm not taking into account PP BM), for 2 games totaling a value of $27 at full prices... (which they are not either since on sales, but whatever).
People sell their extra stuff at what prices they want, don't impose that on them, here, check this trade, it's the reference I used: aJZ2r

That's exactly why I wrote the word "FAIR" in my trade post, as you said only people in a hurry will overpay.
We gotta stop, all what our dialog does here is trashing the trade post.
Thanks for wishing me luck.

7 years ago*

I just bought them both for 3500, see?

7 years ago

How much gems are you trading for both?

7 years ago

The lowest offer, obviously. =)

7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago.