I have...


I want...

Sack of gems

I accept Keys (TF2/CS:GO/DOTA2), Sack of gems.
0.25key = 1 sack of gems

If you go with 2 keys, I sent back 1 ToD

New Steam Rules:

  • According to changes to gift tradability on Steam, gifts can be traded until 30 day after purchasing. Unfortunately, that means that in some cases common trading can't be done. For acquire on demand gifts could only be sent as a gift through steam or by email. On that case, the buyer goes first. I send you gift only after getting the keys, I can go first in trade if you have good reputation on ST.
  • Starting now, items purchased like TF2/CSGO/DOTA2 Key and ToD from Steam Community Market will not be tradable or marketable for 7 days after purchase, so I can only accept the tradable ones.

If you read this and understand all that written there - add me for trade.

9 years ago*

Closed 9 years ago.